Rust on Arch Linux: Getting started
PostgreSQL 14: Database migration with pg_dump
PostgreSQL offers native ways to export database as backup from existing server and import to restore it to another one.
... ReadFlutter 3 on Arch Linux: Getting started
Symfony 6 and JWT bundles: Refresh token
Symfony 6 and Lexik JWT Bundle 2: Auth with JSON Web Token
JWT, JSON Web Token, is one of the open Internet protocol standards, described as “a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties” in RFC 7519 . It is popular and used widely to authenticate where Web API works. It is also available on SSO aka Single Sign-on.
... ReadSymfony 6 and EasyAdmin 4: Hashing password
With EasyAdmin bundle, you can create admin panel easily.
Well, as to User entity, given it has password field, you must want to hash it before it stored for security.
... ReadSymfony 6 and EasyAdmin 4: Admin Panel for User Management System
Symfony 6 User Authentication
EasyAdmin 4 for admin panel based on PHP 8.0 and Symfony 6.0: Install and create a sample
A new RCE vulnerability on Log4j 2.17.0 (CVE-2021-4483)
Log4j 2.17.1 was released because a new vulnerability on RCE (Remote Code Execution) had been found in 2.17.0. (CVE-2021-4483)
According to The Apache Software Founndation, CVSS is 6.6 and the severity is moderate.
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